What will it take to create a vibrant and optimistic outback community that brings families, skilled workers,
professionals, story-tellers and tourists back to rural Queensland?
How can we return economic wealth and ecosystem health to our Rangelands?
Is the region adequately prepared for the risks of another decade of unpredictable weather?
Who is going to build the bridges of cooperation across the polarised politics so that we can create a more resilient future together?
It will take all of us, working together, to address these challenges, un-block the current gridlock, reverse the declines, and meet our expectations of living in this unique landscape of Queensland.
Where we came from: The Rangelands Dialogue was kicked off in 2019 with a 2-day workshop in Brisbane that brought together primary producers, scientists, bureaucrats, academics, and natural resource management professionals.
A Rangelands Declaration has been drafted and co-signed.
Now is the time to connect the Dialogue to influential regional leaders to continue developing real-world solutions that build on these foundations and create a force for change.
It’s time for another round of cross-sector dialogues to bring our attention to the world we find ourselves in now. We've done it before. We know it works.